Tips on Getting Her Ring Size
When you’re preparing to propose marriage to your beloved, there are many elements to consider. You’ll need to figure out when, how, and where to do it, among other details. However, there is one aspect that you may not have considered: her ring size. An engagement ring that won’t slide onto her finger can certainly put a damper on the moment.
Don’t worry though—there are several ways to determine your partner’s ring size without giving away the surprise. At Kwiat, we have helped couples find diamond engagement rings for more than a centuryso we have a few tricks to share.
It’s All About The Left-Hand Ring Finger
Since she’ll wear her engagement ring on the ring finger of her left hand, this is the measurement to focus on. Keep in mind that ring sizes vary between fingers and even between the same fingers on different hands. While only a direct measurement of her finger will be exact, a fine jewelry professional will be able to size her ring up or down slightly for a perfect fit.
Ask Her Closest Confidant
Consult someone very close to your partner about her ring size. This could be her mother, sister, or maybe her best friend. It’s possible that your significant other already knows her ring size and has shared this information with her friend or relative. She might have done so specifically because she figured you would ask them! Be sure that whomever you consult can keep a secret—you want your partner to be astonished when you drop to one knee.
Take Her Shopping
It’s not uncommon for couples to casually browse for engagement rings together before the question is officially popped. If you find yourselves at a fine jewelry store and the topic hasn’t come up already, speak to the jeweler privately and ask to have her finger size measured in front of you. Make sure to record this information for future reference.
Borrow One of Her Rings
Another way to determine your partner’s ring size is to borrow a ring from her jewelry box and bring it to a local jeweler. It’s important to select a perfectly round ring that she wears on the ring finger of her left hand. Misshapen or bent rings indicate that the ring is too large and will not provide an accurate measurement of her size.
Put Her Ring on Your Hand
Perhaps borrowing one of her favorite rings for an hour or two seems too risky. Instead, place her ring on one of your fingers, slipping it as far down as it will comfortably fit. Do not force it any further, since this will give you an inaccurate measurement. Mark the spot where it stops on your finger with a pen, then visit a jewelry professional who can measure it for you.
Make an Impression of Her Ring
You’ll need a bar of soap or a damp piece of clay to do this. Press the ring gently into the surface to make the most accurate impression possible. Once you’ve finished, you can bring the impression to a jeweler for measurement.

Trace the Inside of Her Ring
Though we do not recommend this method because of its imprecision, you may trace the inside of your partner’s ring on a piece of paper and present it to a jewelry professional for measurement. This will not accurately represent her size, but it’s better than nothing at all.
Use an App
A number of mobile apps can help measure ring size. Most will direct you to place a ring your significant other already wears on the screen surface to reveal a size estimate. At Kwiat, we find ring sizing apps to be very imprecise, but they do offer a basic starting point.
Ask Her
If you are very skilled and you’ve determined a subtle way to work the question into a conversation, it is possible to ask your partner for her ring size directly. A word of caution, though: you might think that you are being discreet, but your reasons are probably obvious to her!